Our nation was built by farmers, inventors and entrepreneurs – visionaries that foresaw the absolute benefits of citizens participating in the political process and being civically knowledgeable and engaged. The 2016 elections could prove to be the most pivotal in recent years, but you can’t make a difference if you don’t make your voice heard.

Even if you aren’t able to vote on Election Day, in just about every state you may be able to vote early or by absentee ballot. Schedules are busy and last-minute chores come up, but in order to ensure candidates with common-sense solutions to build a healthy economy are elected, make sure during this election season you take the time to cast your ballot.

It often seems like you don’t have the ability to really make a difference. You wouldn’t be the first one to think, “What good will my vote do?” Keep in mind, not every election is decided by a large margin. Some come down to a difference of just a couple-hundred  votes or even less. The following races were decided by less than 500 votes:
►      2014 – Colorado Congressional District 7 was decided by 121 votes.
►      2006 – Connecticut Congressional District 2 was decided by 83 votes.
►      2000 – New Mexico was decided by 366 votes in the presidential election.
►      1998 – Nevada Senate race was decided by 428 votes.


Don’t forget: Even if you don’t vote, by failing to do so you are essentially casting a ballot for the candidate you oppose. Sitting at home is never the best option!

But remember, before you vote you must register! Go to ASA.net/Advocacy (keyword Election Center) and learn everything you need to about your candidates, polling places, deadlines
and more.