Laura Bassett



How long have you been in the industry?

11 years.

What is the most rewarding part of your career in PHCP-PVF?

Establishing relationships is critical in this industry, so I value each of my customers. Because of the connections I have with my customers, it’s rewarding to provide them with the tools they need to grow their businesses.

Colleague relationships are just as critical, as we constantly collaborate on how best to serve each customer. My peers and I each implement our different skill sets as we work together towards a common goal of providing the best results for our customers.

What advice do you have for women coming into the industry, or that are early on in their career?

I thought this was a male-dominated industry at the start of my career. Over time, I’ve found that while there are a lot of men, I’ve also encountered many women-owned businesses, women thriving in sales, women leading marketing departments and plenty of women in the field. Today, the number of women joining the industry continues to grow.

As the industry constantly evolves, career opportunities increase. You’ll find women throughout PHCP-PVF companies excelling in sales, marketing, design, engineering, leadership and field-based roles.

What came PHCP-PVF companies be doing to better support and empower women in our industry?

Our industry is vast, so we need to emphasize the abundance of incredible career paths offered by this growing field. The field is ripe with job openings and continuing education opportunities. The PHCP-PVF industry provides tremendous career potential, as evidenced by more and more women entering the field daily.