During a recordturnout at Network2015, ASA members were able to break another record, the amount of money raised for Operation: Rise & Conquer. Through the instruction and equipment of the Adaptive Sports Center in Colorado, Operation: Rise & Conquer is designed to empower, support and inspire wounded soldiers and veterans to regain confidence and trust in themselves and others through summer and winter outdoor adventure activities. At the ASA Member Lunch, Bradley Corp. presented a check worth $55,665 from its summer sales fundraiser. Over the course of two days, members raised$45,000, bringing the total money raised this year for ORC to $120,000. This puts ASA well over its 2015 goal of $100,000 and will give 40 veterans the chance to participate in this week-long adventure program. Other members, like Fluidmaster, keep stepping up with unique ways to contribute to this great program. For more information, visit www.asa.net/ORC.