Launched last month, PVF e-News is a twice-monthly electronic newsletter bringing the latest news and insights targeted to the interests of industrial PVF manufacturers, distributors and other industrial construction interests. It is compiled and edited by Supply House Times Editor Jim Olsztynski, and sponsored by the ASA Industrial Piping Division, whose expertise is tapped for content.
Content includes the latest breaking news, commentary and interpretation, economic data, an events calendar, new product information and other articles - all with a PVF slant. Each edition features dozens of links to related articles of interest as well as companies and organizations in the PVF sector.
To sign up, visit the following Web site: http://bnpmedia.hosting.exacttarget.com/sub.asp?mid=53352. Alternatively, you can visit the Supply House Times Web site at www.supplyht.com and click on the PVF e-News link in the right-hand column.
PVF e-News is the latest in a series of electronic newsletters published by the Plumbing Group of magazines within BNP Media Co. aimed at special interests within our broader audience. This group includes Supply House Times, Plumbing & Mechanical, PM Engineer and Reeves Journal.
Other PHCP e-newsletters published by BNP Media include: Radiant & Hydronics e-News, Bath & Kitchen e-News, PM Engineer e-Newsletter and The Insider, the latter aimed at the industry’s manufacturing and advertising communities. These other publications can be accessed as well via the Supply House Times Web site at www.supplyht.com.