Heating, Air-conditioning & Refrigeration Distributors International (HARDI) members raised $134,550 in 2021 for Homes for Our Troops, the association’s philanthropic partner.

In addition to the cash donations raised in 2021, HARDI members committed to donating the HVACR equipment to 19 specially adapted homes for injured military veterans across the country.

Since the partnership began in 2011 HARDI members have raised over $1.3 million in cash donations for Homes for Our Troops and have committed to or already donated the HVACR products to over 50 homes.

“Our partnership with Homes for Our Troops is perhaps the most rewarding thing HARDI members do each year and it’s such a great organization that devotes nearly every dollar donated directly to building mortgage-free, specially adapted homes for wounded veterans of our Middle East wars,” said HARDI CEO, Talbot Gee.  “Our members have built a way to donate systems and parts to nearly every new build, and enabled distributor members outside of areas where builds are taking place to provide equipment through other local distributor partners which has further grown our total, annual donations.”