Teal International Corp. launchedwww.HEATlibrary.com, a Web site designed to share training and educational materials across corporate and association lines throughout the heating, ventilation, air conditioning, refrigeration and plumbing trades.

On June 15, Teal International Corp. launchedwww.HEATlibrary.com, a Web site designed to share training and educational materials across corporate and association lines throughout the heating, ventilation, air conditioning, refrigeration and plumbing trades.  “HEAT” is an acronym forHVACR & plumbingEducationAndTraining. “Library” refers to an extensive database that will grow as educators, associations and institutions contribute materials.

Educators and education providers can become members of the HEAT Library for very little cost.  As members, they can upload an unlimited number of items into the database, such as Word documents, spread sheets, slide presentations, videos and e-books. Live webinars can be listed with time and dates. 

Members can restrict who will have access to their documents and can set a wholesale and retail price for each item. Also, they can provide detailed descriptions with promotional materials.

Members can choose items from the library to offer through their own network. The HEAT Library also contains areas accessible to any visitor, including the online retail store. Other features include calendars that list local and national training events across North America, open forums where anyone can post a discussion on events, materials or industry education in general. 

“Any organization, business or individual having educational materials to sell and/or share can become a member and upload items to the library,” said Lawrence Drake, Teal International Corp. president and past executive director of the Radiant Panel Association.  The HEAT Library is offering a 90-day free trial to new members in order to build content in the library.