AGE: 31

How long have you been in the PHCP-PVF industry?
10 years.

What drew you into the industry?
My Dad works for a plumbing company, so I grew up around the industry. As a kid, I was lucky enough to tag along on events and thought the people were cool. During college breaks, I worked on job sites and enjoyed seeing how everything was put together.

What is the most rewarding aspect of working in the industry?
EM: Helping people make money, save time, and avoid/solve problems. I get to be around top businesspeople and top businesses every day. 

What is one thing you wish more people knew/understood about the PHCP-PVF industry?
The variety of opportunities. There’s a place for everyone and a reason why most people never leave the industry.

What has been the proudest moment in your career so far?
Personally, I’d say earning the respect of people I look up to. Business-wise, working on a second and third job with a customer.

What is one thing most people don’t know about you?
I grew up on a farm and worked at a local chicken farm for 7 years before starting in the plumbing industry.

Why he was chosen as a Next Gen All Star Top 20 Under 40 winner:
“A recent graduate of CPMR, Ethan has earned the respect of his customers, manufacturers and co-workers since his start date of 2014 at Rich Tomkins.  At 23 years old, Ethan replaced a 25-year territory manager who was retiring.  We asked him to relocate and grow a territory that is geographically the furthest from our Philadelphia-based office. So, he had the least amount of management support on a daily basis.  He grew business across all customers including Hajoca, Winn, and Ferguson, as well as regional players like APR and RF Fager. In this time, he joined young leaders of 3 separate organizations within his territory and donated his time at night to build his network.  He also became line captain for Woodford, Watco, and, most recently, Uponor for Rich Tomkins, while maintaining and onboarding his replacement in the central Pennsylvania market. We have already received the blessing of Bradford White and Delta Faucet for Ethan to be part of our executive succession planning,” says Alan Cohen, vice president, sales, Rich-Tomkins.