Gustave Larson Honors Partners
Gustave A. Larson Co., Pewaukee, WI, announced the winners of its annual supplier evaluation and presented its 2009 Partners in Excellence and Quality (PEAQ) awards to Advanced Distributor Products, J.B. Industries, Armacell LLC, DuPont Fluoroproducts, and Heatcraft Refrigeration Products in June.At another awards dinner in June, the wholesaler announced the top supplier salespeople for 2009, presenting PEAQ awards to one of the top three supplier salespeople identified for each of Gustave Larson’s four regions. The following were honored as the Outstanding Salesperson for their region: Dan Thompson, representing Lennox Hearth Products, in the Great Plains region; David Lindahl, representing Heatcraft Refrigeration Products, in the Great Lakes region; David Barnson, representing G&S Sales, in the Mountain region; and Keith Rinderknecht, representing RAC Sales, in the North Central region.
Pictured here (L-R) are Scott Larson, president/COO, and Sue Sinclair, senior vice president/CIMO, of Gustave Larson; Alan Shepherd, Armacell LLC; Jeff Cherif, J. B. Industries; Doug Johnston, DuPont Fluoroproducts; Grady McAdams, Heatcraft Refrigeration Products; Greg Connors, Advanced Distributor Products; and Andrew Larson, CEO, Gustave Larson.

Chicago Honors Banner CEO
Banner Plumbing Supply, Buffalo Grove, IL, announced that its CEO, Lee Greenspon, was honored by the city of Chicago with the unveiling of two honorary street signs,Lee Greenspon WayandBanner Plumbing Supply Drive. Sixth Ward Alderman Freddrenna M. Lyle introduced Greenspon and lauded Banner’s contributions to the neighborhood business community at a special ceremony June 24. Banner now has two locations, a 25,000-sq.-ft. warehouse in Chicago and a 100,000-sq.-ft. warehouse in suburban Buffalo Grove that features a 15,000-sq.-ft. showroom. Lee Greespon is the son of Charles Greenspon, who founded the company in 1947.
PACE Offers Supplier Expo
PACE Supply Corp., Santa Rosa, CA, hosted a Commercial Vendor Fair at its Santa Rosa branch in April, featuring products from 13 manufacturers. The event targeted business owners of key accounts, local builders and engineers, and provided networking opportunities for vendors, specifiers and customers. PACE is an employee-owned company with 11 wholesale branches in Northern California and a consumer-oriented Premier Bath & Kitchen showroom in Santa Rosa.
Supply New England Honors Rep
Supply New England, Attleboro, MA, honored David Marcotte, factory sales representative for Slant/Fin Corp., with its Manufacturers Rep of the Year Award. In 2007 Marcotte received the Manufacturers Rep Agency award with David Urell of Urell Inc., based in Watertown, MA. Employees at Supply New England’s 14 branches vote on the award.David Corcoran, president, Supply New England (foreground), presents an award to David Marcotte, surrounded by the SNE management team.

Litco Unveils Luxury Showroom
Litco Supply Co., owned by Torrington Supply Distribution Group of Waterbury, CT, announced the opening of its new Luxury Bath Center showroom in Torrington, CT. Litco Supply hosted a themed grand opening event, “A Treasure is Among Us” for its trade customers in June. Litco Supply is undergoing redesigns of all three of its showrooms. Jen Black of Litco Supply is credited as the guiding force behind the rebirth of the Luxury Bath Center. The Torrington Luxury Bath Center is partnering with two complementary businesses - Tile America and Surfaces in Stone.TSC Distribution Group Inc., parent company of Torrington Supply Co., purchased the assets of Litco Supply in Torrington, CT, in September 2009. Litco, a six-branch wholesaler, operates as a separate company under the name Litco Supply Co.
Pictured (L-R): Dawn Corbo, designer and showroom manager; Melissa Pressmar, designer; and Nancy Becker, sales division leader; all with the Luxury Bath Center, Torrington Supply.

Fiandre Opens Showroom
Fiandre Architectural Surfaces opened its Chicago showroom and introduced its latest technology, Active Clean Air & Antibacterial Ceramic (a registered trademark), at an event June 30. The Italian-based company will use the technology to produce photocatalytic porcelain tiles that help to improve the quality of the environment. Speakers included Graziano Verdi, president and CEO of the Fiandre Group; Rodolfo Panisi, CEO of StonePeak Ceramics, and Italian American Chamber of Commerce President Robert Allegrini.Graziano Verdi (pictured), president and CEO of the Fiandre Group, spoke at the grand opening. Behind him is the image of a baby that Fiandre is using to promote the new technology.

Gastite Introduces FlashShield CSST
Gastite is launching FlashShield, a Corrugated Stainless Steel Tubing system that provides more layers of resistance, eliminates the need for additional manufacturer-required bonding, and provides a higher level of lightning protection.Craig Barry, vice president, marketing, Smiths Heating Solutions Group, visitedSupply House Timesand its sister publications,Plumbing & Mechanicalandpmemagazines, to discuss the introduction. Two layers of semi-conductive polymer jackets and metal mesh help make FlashShield more resistant to the damaging effects of electrical energy than standard CSST.
“Safety is Gastite’s highest priority,” Barry said. “We had a third-party laboratory test the new FlashShield CSST system to make certain it gives contractors the highest level of lightning protection available in flexible gas piping systems.”
Craig Barry (pictured), vice president, marketing, Smiths Heating Solutions Group, discussed Gastite’s introduction of FlashShield CSST with enhanced protection.

Bradford White Makes Donation
Bradford White donated $25,000 to the NFL Alumni Philadelphia chapter as the Presenting Sponsor of the 2010 NFL Alumni Philadelphia Chapter Charity Golf Classic. The fundraising event was hosted by Ron Jaworksi’s Running Deer Golf Club in Pittsgrove, NJ. Net proceeds are donated to various local youth charities.Bruce Carnevale, vice president – sales and marketing at Bradford White (pictured right), presents the check to Ron Jaworski.