US Supply Celebrates 60 Years With Founder
All 12 branches ofUS Supply Co.(West Cohshohocken, PA) staged a surprise celebration of the company’s 60th anniversary for its founder and CEO, Walter Hyman, on May 7. Each branch was decorated in red, white and blue with balloons and streamers, and each location had a special cake to share with customers, decorated with photos of Walter Hyman during World War II and today along with the company’s 60th anniversary logo.All of the branches participated with a conference call to headquarters and logged in to the Web cam to share in the festivities. More than 100 employees spread out over Pennsylvania and New Jersey were able to join in the celebration.
Each branch created a video for Hyman. He was also presented with a memory book filled with photos of the employees and branches over the past 60 years and group photos of the staff at each location.
Walter Hyman and a partner first opened for business on April 1, 1950 in Bristol, PA. Today, Walter Hyman’s son, Douglas Hyman, serves as the company’s president and his daughter, Laurie Sullivan, is CFO.

Masters Supply Hosts Geospring Water Heater
Masters Supply, Louisville, KY, was host to the Geospring Hybrid Water Heater Tour on August 19. The new GE heat pump water heater is said to offer about 62% energy savings vs. a standard 50-gallon electric water heater, and is soon to be produced at Louisville’s GE Appliance Park.“With the energy savings and rebates offered by the government, this heater is an easy product to sell,” said Danny Hobbs, sales manager at Masters Supply, which has been selling this product since October 2009.
The event included tours of the mobile showroom, food and prizes.

PACE Supply Hosts Grand Opening Events
In recognition of the opening of three new northern California Bay Area locations a year ago,PACE Supply Corp.held grand opening events in San Francisco, May 4; Santa Clara, May 20; and Oakland, June 10. Each event had a unique theme and included food, raffles and special product pricing. The 35 participating vendors were able to meet with hundreds of customers.
Banner Plumbing Supply Hosts American Standard Responsible Bathroom Tour
American Standard Brands brought its Responsible Bathroom Tour toBanner Plumbing Supply, Buffalo Grove, IL, Aug. 18.“The campaign launched April 6 and consists of two trailer-trucks, covering the East and West coasts, bringing the showroom to the public and spreading the message of water conservation,” said Michelle Roberts, senior director of wholesale marketing for American Standard Brands.
The mobile showroom, which features waterless urinals and water-conserving faucets, showerheads and toilets, including multiple working displays, is making 240 stops and is scheduled to end sometime this fall. Hand-outs are provided to help customers and consumers calculate water savings for commercial and residential applications. Drawings and prizes are also tied into the event.
American Standard Brandshas made a two-year, $1 million commitment to support The Nature Conservancy, is a member of the Alliance for Water Efficiency and is a founding member of GreenPlumbers USA. The company also has a Web site to promote water conservation and provide updates on the tour:www.ResponsibleBathroom.com.
Pictured here (L-R) Lee Greenspon, CEO, and Michelle Henderson, showroom manager, of Banner Plumbing Supply; Michelle Roberts, senior director - wholesale marketing, American Standard Brands; and Cary McElhinney, Information Technology specialist, WaterSense division , EPA.

Murray Supply Hosts All-American Counter Day
Winston-Salem, NC-based wholesale plumbing distributorMurray Supply Co.held an “All-American Counter Day” at its Raleigh branch July 15. Participating vendors included American Standard, A. O. Smith, Sloan, Liberty Pumps, Lenox, Apollo Valve, Anvil, Moen Commercial and Bradley.Pictured here (L-R) George Yezbak, COO, Murray Supply Co., and Robert Stokley, Pro-Marketing.

Taco Launches FloPro University
Taco’s new FloPro University (FloPro U) premiers its first-term classes in September. With live Webinars and archived video e-learning sessions, FloPro U offers highly interactive contractor education programs.Recorded e-learning sessions are accessible from Taco’s Web site atwww.taco-hvac.com. The first courses available include: Universal Hydronics Formula, Variable-Speed Pumping, Hydronics: Step by Step, and Anatomy of a Circulator. More will become available through the balance of the year.
Webinars are currently held bi-monthly and can accommodate up to 100 contractors from across the United States and Canada. The Webinars are archived on the Web site.

Drink for Tomorrow's founder Stephanie Weaver with Daniel Lasserre, president of Triangle Tube.
Triangle Tube Funds Water Well
Triangle Tubeis partnering withA Drink for Tomorrowby fully funding the construction of a freshwater well in the village of Labala, located in Botswana, Africa. The new well, about 100 feet deep, and a new hand pump to draw clean water from the well, will provide a community of about 400 people with clean, safe drinking water.
ASA Education Foundation Offers Warehouse Operations Training
TheASA Education Foundationhas scheduled four additional workshops that will provide training based on theEssentials of Profitable Warehouse Operationscertificate course. Collaborating with ASA regional affiliates Wholesalers Association of the North East (WANE) and the Western Suppliers Association (WSA), ASAEF will offer the full-day workshops in Philadelphia, PA, Sept. 21; Syracuse, NY, Sept. 22; Westborough, MA, Sept. 23; and Oakland, CA, Sept. 29, led by Jason Bader of The Distribution Team. One of the exercises used in the course invites participants to “search for cash in the warehouse.”