Now that you are reading this month's issue of Supply House Times magazine, you must have noticed the card on the front of the magazine. You ignored it? Allow me to tell you the significance of this card.

Supply House Times is free to you, the qualified professional. Just fill out the card and mail it back. Whether you are a plumbing/HVAC wholesaler, supply house, manufacturers rep or other industry professional, Supply House Times is free. All you need to do is complete and return the card on this magazine (and each time you see one in the future). We even pay the postage.

This card does two things: It proves that you want to receive Supply House Times and it tells our advertisers that our readers are qualified professionals who ask for Supply House Times. If you do not sign and return the card, however, you may be removed from our circulation.

Each month Supply House Times delivers features, leading industry news, columnists, new products and more. In short, our goal is to provide superior information to help you with your business. All you have to do is return this postage-paid card.

Just send the card back to us, and after you've read the articles and feature stories designed to help you become more productive, please take a look at the products in the magazine that interest you. That's another easy step: Simply return the reader service card in the magazine to get free information from any advertiser that you select. You may also do this on our Web site,

When you call any of our advertisers to buy products or receive information, let them know that you saw their advertisement in Supply House Times.

Is there something you'd like us to cover? Let us know. Or write a letter to the editor commenting on something you read in Supply House Times or discussing an industry issue or a trend that will be of interest to our readers. Send letters to Jim Olsztynski via email at or regular mail to: Supply House Times, 1050 IL Route 83, Suite 200, Bensenville, IL 60106.

Oh, there is one more thing ... did you remember to sign the card?