Dear Industry Colleagues,

It has been an absolutely amazing year to have served as ASA President. My goal for the association throughout the past year has been for us todeliver on our missionand focus on our four core areas of strategy: Advocacy, Education, BenchmarkingandNetworking. From the whirlwind of industry-related political activity we have seen in Washington, DC, to the successful launch of ASA University’s new colleges to record-setting participation in our benchmarking reporting to a very successful NetworkASA 2011, I think we have clearlydeliveredthis past year. While I think it is important to point out our successes, I feel that it is equally important to emphasize that the mission must continue as ASA continues to grow in strength as we move into 2012.

Moving into 2012, I feel that it is very important to thank our regions, who have allowed me the opportunity this past year to come speak at various events and bring ASA’s message to the forefront. Without strong regional participation, our membership successes would not be near what we have achieved. In addition, I would also like to thank ASA’s Divisions and Councils, who have also been a very important part of delivering the mission. Groups such as the Young Executives, the Vendor Member Division and our Industrial Piping Division (IPD) continue to build strength and gain momentum.  I look forward to seeing this continue into 2012. 

Throughout my time as President, I have also seen ASA’s relationships with industry buying groups flourish. ASA has not only boosted these relationships, we have also increased our presence at various buying group meetings. Industry relationships are a top priority of ASA, as I have mentioned, and we must all work as a team to build our industry and keep our momentum moving in the right direction.

I would like to thank my fellow members of the ASA Executive Committee for keeping me focused as President throughout the past year. Without the valuable counsel and assistance of these industry leaders, 2011 would have been a much more challenging year. I would also like to take the time to thank the ASA staff, led byMike Adelizzi, for their hard work and diligence throughout 2011. They have made my job as President productive and efficient, and I would expect a smooth transition moving forward forScott Weaverof APR Supply Company as your incoming President. I am hopeful that Scott’s year as President will be as rich and rewarding for him as my year was for me.

In closing, I would like to thank all of you, the professionals, leaders and visionaries that make our industry great. You all deserve a pat on the back as we move forward into a new year. Let’s all make a promise to each other to work together in 2012, become more involved and continue todeliver on the mission. Thank you!

Bill Kenny
Kenny Pipe & Supply
