During the Future Trends Lunch atNetworkASA 2010: THRIVE, ASA's Young Executives Division (YE) announced details for the 2011 Spring Forum and its supplier partnership with Kohler Co. "Next year's program has already shaped-up to be a phenomenal success," said Dennis Crump, chairman of ASA's Young Executives from National Wholesale Supply in Dallas, Texas. "We'll be in Kohler, Wisconsin, at the Inn on Woodlake on May 23-25, 2011, and we've very excited that David Kohler will be part of the program."

The most valuable benefits from participating in the Spring Forum are the concepts and ideas learned from industry experts and time spent sharing experiences and lessons learned with peers who represent different channel partners from across the country. This year's program features Rick Johnson, the CEO Strategist, and will focus on strategic leadership during economic recovery. 

For complete information and to register, go to the Industry Calendar atwww.asa.net
