Effective Jan. 1, ANXeBusiness Corp. acquired the assets of Management Information Systems Group Inc. (MISG) from the Motor & Equipment Manufacturers Association (MEMA) and will merge the two companies to strengthen its position as a commercial business-to-business data interchange subsidiary.

MISG provides services for transmitting mission-critical data for more than 2,000 customers including the plumbing, heating and air-conditioning industries. “MISG has been an important service provider to ASA for more than eight years,” said Kevin Price, director of the ASA Center for Advancing Technology. “We see this merger as an opportunity to expand the product and network offerings currently available to our members.”

HARDI has also partnered with MISG on its supply chain technology initiative, HARDITek. “We believe that ANX’s acquisition of our partner, MISG, will be beneficial to our HARDITek initiative and the HARDI membership by widening the ways MISG can make our distributors more efficient and effective partners with our industry’s manufacturers and customers,” said Donald Frendberg, executive vice president/COO of the Heating, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Distributors International.

Details of the transaction were not released.