Basco Shower Enclosures will appear on the fifth consecutive season of the NBC television show, “The Apprentice,” starring Donald Trump, now airing Mondays at 9 p.m. EST on NBC. Four of Basco's Infinity doors will be seen in the luxurious bathrooms of the suites occupied by the candidates during the show. The Infinity Door will also appear on the program's Web site.
Basco Appears Again On The Apprentice
Basco Shower Enclosures will appear on the fifth consecutive season of the NBC television show, “The Apprentice,” starring Donald Trump, now airing Mondays at 9 p.m. EST on NBC. Four of Basco's Infinity doors will be seen in the luxurious bathrooms of the suites occupied by the candidates during the show. The Infinity Door will also appear on the program's Web site.