Through June 30, 2011, North American customers (Canada exempt) can visit Caroma's website to receive a coupon for 50 percent off the list price of select Caroma toilets or sinks at participating retail locations.

Bathroom products manufacturer Caroma announced the return of its “One Flush Makes a Difference” promotion in honor of Earth Month. Last year’s promotion was such a success that Caroma is offering it again this year for a span of five months.

Through June 30, 2011, North American customers (Canada exempt) can receive a coupon for 50 percent off the list price of select Caroma toilets or sinks at participating retail locations. They can learn more by becoming a fan of Caroma on Facebook and following the company on Twitter.

Caroma is aware that water conservation is an increasingly critical ecological issue; as a result, it has designed their toilets to not only meet, but exceed stringent water-conserving regulations. Caroma dual-flush toilets surpass both the U.S. federal requirement of no more than 1.6 gallons of water per flush for new toilets and the North American high-efficiency toilet standard of 1.28 gpf. All Caroma dual-flush toilets include two buttons for flushing; the half flush which uses 0.8 gpf for liquid, and the full flush which uses 1.28-1.6 gpf (depending on the model) for solids.

Customers can learn the benefits of installing a high-efficiency toilet through Caroma’s free, downloadable water saving and conservation calculating files Using these files, the following examples were created to illustrate the effectiveness of high-efficiency toilets:

  • If one person uses a high-efficiency toilet for one year, he or she can save approximately 330 gallons of water (based on the average three-times-a-day flush). If the toilet is from the 1980s, when toilets were regulated to use 3.5 gallons of water per flush, 2,410 gallons per year could be saved by switching to an HET toilet.

  • If five people replaced their old 3.5 gpf toilets, more than 12,000 gallons of water - or the equivalent of 300 20-minute showers - could be saved.

  • If 2,000 people with new toilets switched to an HET toilet, in one year an Olympic-sized swimming pool could be filled with the water saved: 660,430 gallons!

  • If 50 percent of the 238 million toilets in the United States that are high-flow (3.5 gallons per flush or more) were converted to a dual-flush toilet, 1.4 trillion gallons of water could be saved per year!

“The 2011 promotion lends itself to our ‘One Flush Makes a Difference’ philosophy and is our way of commemorating Earth Month,” saidDerek Kirkpatrick, Caroma North America general manager. “It really cultivates awareness, at the consumer level, to all that Caroma does to promote water-efficiency.”
