NCFI Polyurethanes, a manufacturer of foam products including spray foam insulation, andLubrizol, supplier of CPVC resins for the manufacture of plumbing pipe and fire sprinkler systems, have created aSuggested Application Test Protocol Guideline. This is in response to a recent accusation concerning the safety of spray foam and Environmental Stress Cracking (ESC).
TheSpray Polyurethane Foam Alliance (SPFA) issued a report proving SPF is chemically compatible with CPVC and is not a source of ESC. Upon further rigorous testing of their own, NCFI and Lubrizol came up with similar findings. When applied properly according to standard application guidelines, spray foam is safe and effective to use with CPVC plumbing pipes and fire sprinkler systems.
The new Guideline is being shared with other spray foam manufacturers to correct misinformation throughout the industry.
Source: NCFI Polyurethanes