As we all are well aware, the PHCP-PVF industry is built on networking and relationships. To maintain and extend those ever-important relationships, there is one event you simply cannot afford to miss. 

That event is Network2015, brought to you by the American Supply Association. Next month in Chicago the industry will come together to network, hear an engaging lineup of speakers, enjoy camaraderie with friends and be part of an outstanding experience that cannot be duplicated or imitated. Those who have been to a Network event within the last four or five years know what I’m talking about. Those who have not need to find out for themselves and register for this year’s event now! You will not be disappointed.

Network2015 brings together owners and decision-makers from wholesaler-distributors, manufacturers, independent reps, vendors and professional leaders throughout the PHCP-PVF industry to network and find business-related solutions through a variety of opportunities. Our staff and leadership have once again developed a first-class industry gathering with a compact schedule that allows for minimal time out of the office. 

ASA’s Education Foundation will present an energy-charged and strongly focused schedule of educational seminars and speakers. Over the course of the last several months in ASA News, we have featured preview articles written by Network2015 speakers Anthony Huey, David Nour and Robert Gross to give readers more specifics on the topics and information they will be presenting. I’m looking forward to an exciting and information-packed group of sessions. Specific topics to be discussed include: leadership strategies, succession planning, disaster preparedness, negotiation skills and more.

I also am amazed how we continue to bring a consistently superior lineup of headline speakers to Network each year. This year’s group includes “Lone Survivor” Marcus Luttrell, ESPN’s Ron Jaworski and former Reagan White House policy analyst Dinesh D’Souza. Rounding out the seminars and presentations will be the unveiling of Brian Beaulieu’s 2016 Industry Forecast, which always is a standing-room-only event that cannot be missed. Don’t be “the one” who misses it!

Perhaps the biggest highlight of the entire event is the ever-popular wholesaler and vendor conference appointment sessions, which brings together more than $12 billion in purchasing power in one room. Over the course of the last few years, these sessions have become the focal point of Network. 

These appointments allow conference attendees to connect with current industry partners and engage with new connections via face-to-face meetings arranged ahead of time and held in one dedicated location. Best of all, this takes place within an environment where nothing else is competing for participants’ attention.

Plan on joining us in Chicago Oct. 27 - 29. Contact ASA’s Ruth Mitchell at 630/467-0000, ext. 210 for registration details, or, better yet, visit to register online today!

 Network2015 is where the industry meets. This is our industry and our future. Network2015 is how you can advance your ability to grow. See you in Chicago!