Bradley Corp. announced its ndite™ technology was approved and listed in the current GreenSpec Directory published by BuildingGreen.

The ndite technology converts restroom lighting to energy, which provides power to the sensors and valves on the Express‚ SS and MG Series lavatory systems. It uses photovoltaic cells integrated into the top of the system to convert light into electricity. Whether natural light or normal room-level lighting, the cells capture light when it is available and store the energy for later use in a battery-free system. It eliminates the need for electrical hook-ups.

The directory lists over 1,800 products selected by editors based on meeting a variety of performance and environmental criteria, such as water and energy conservation or air quality. GreenSpec has included the product in the Low-Water-Use-Fixtures category listed as ndite PV-powered lavatories. The listings can be viewed in the online directory available at