The U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) voted to conduct full five-year (“sunset”) reviews concerning the antidumping duty orders on imports of carbon and alloy seamless standard, line and pressure pipe from the Czech Republic, Japan, Mexico, Romania and South Africa (Inv. Nos. 731-TA-846-850 (Review)).

The Uruguay Round Agreements Act requires the Department of Commerce to revoke an antidumping or countervailing duty order, or terminate a suspension agreement, after five years unless the Department of Commerce and the ITC determine that revoking the order or terminating the suspension agreement would be likely to lead to continuation or recurrence of dumping or subsidies (Commerce) and of material injury (ITC) within a reasonably foreseeable time.

A record of the Commission's votes on these matters is available from the Office of the Secretary, U.S. International Trade Commission, 500 E Street SW, Washington, D.C. 20436. Requests may be made by telephone by calling 202-205-1802.

The record of the Commission's votes is also posted on the ITC's Internet server at The Commission will issue a report after it completes its reviews.