Bill will create the nation’s largest solar water heating rebate program.

On June 6, the California General Assembly approved AB 1470, the Solar Water Heating and Efficiency Act of 2007, which will create the nation’s largest solar water heating program.

AB 1470 creates a $250 million 10-year program for the Public Utilities Commission to provide consumer rebates and incentives for homeowners to buy solar water heating systems. It passed the Assmebly 41-31.

The bill is authored by Assembly member Jared Huffman and sponsored by Environment California. It was extensively supported by hundreds of organizations and California businesses. It now heads to the State Senate to be heard in the Energy and Commerce Committee in June or early July.

Bernadette Del Chiaro, clean energy advocate for Environment California, told solar watch-site that California is taking “a giant step toward becoming the Saudi Arabia of the sun.”