Web Sites To Visit ...Brizo
Brizo™ has a newly designed consumer Web site atwww.brizofaucet.com. Visitors can select products using various search options - including function, style, model number or description. Users can key in specific search criteria, such as a high-arc spout, pull-down faucet or a particular finish option, for specific search results. The results can be sorted according to price, spout design, or optional accessories such as soap/lotion dispensers. The Web-site's left navigation items include “Kitchen Collection,” “Bath Collection,” “Personal Style,” and “Craftsmanship.” Under “Personal Style” users can select options such as “Dream Visualizer,” and “Palette Maker.” The “Craftsmanship” area has updates on Brizo awards and information on Brilliance® finishes and new concept faucets in the works. The “Customer Service” area provides information on how to purchase, install and maintain the faucets.