Speaker, author and Supply House Times columnist Dirk Beveridge has debuted his new “Innovate for the Future” podcast, which is designed to provide intimate access to some of the world’s most effective leaders, innovators and disrupters from within distribution and beyond.

The weekly podcast, available through iTunes and Beveridge’s website at www.dirkbeveridge.com, features a series within a series format. Rather than one-off, standalone interviews, each guest is featured in a series of five 30-minute podcast episodes. The format, Beveridge said, allows for “deep and rich conversations on a specific topic that will guide listeners on a powerful and inspiring learning journey.”

The first series features Berlin Packaging Chairman and CEO Andrew Berlin and Executive Vice President of Business Development and Strategy Jeremy Lagomarsino. The second series features U.S. LBM CEO L.T. Gibson.

The schedule for each series:

Episode One: How to peer into the future to create a compelling vision supported by innovative and disruptive strategies.

Episode Two: How these leaders foster a spirit and culture of innovation.

Episode Three: How to develop a value proposition that acts as a magnet for customers while creating a platform of innovation.

Episode Four: How to explore new business models and design new systems for creating, capturing and delivering value.

Episode Five: The final episode in each series looks at the transformative leadership styles and processes of Beveridge’s guest.

From the website, listeners are able to download the episode transcript and access links of all the resources discussed in each episode.