Honoring the PHCP and PVF Industry for Excellent Worker Safety

Award Application Deadline - Aug. 17, 2012

ASA is accepting applications for its2011 Member Safety Recognition Awards, a program that honors industry facilities for outstanding worker safety performance. Award winners will be recognized duringNetwork ASA 2012at the ASA Annual Meeting & Member Lunch, to be held 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 18, 2012 at the Hilton Orlando Bonnet Creek.

Three awards each will be presented to manufacturers and wholesalers (for a total of six awards). Awards will be based on the number of man-hours worked in 2011, and recipients will fall into one of the following three categories:

  • Less than 125,000 man-hours

  • 125,000 to 500,000 man-hours

  • More than 500,000 man-hours

  • What are the Benefits?

  • The program highlights ASA member efforts to achieve safety excellence while providing an opportunity to remind member companies of the importance of safety to their own company goals, including financial targets.

  • The program allows ASA to analyze member safety data vs. OSHA-published data on the PHCP and PVF industry.

  • A body of data could provide a future opportunity for ASA to leverage the program into a new forum to share best PHCP and PVF industry practices that could provide benefits to the entire industry.

  • This initiative recognizes safety excellence that exists within the ASA membership and could eventually be a platform to help identify best safety practices that lead to exemplary safety experiences.

  • How Does My Company Participate?

    Most companies have already filled out a Bureau of Labor Statistics report from 2011 calledOSHA Form 300A, Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses. (The information on 300A is based on your company’s OSHA logs,Form 300 Log of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses). Interested participants are reminded to use 2011 data only. Please submit combined 300A data from all company locations.

    A sample of the OSHA forms can be accessed through the following link:http://www.osha.gov/recordkeeping/new-osha 300form1-1-04.pdf.

    Deadline for applications for the 2011 awards is Aug. 17, 2012.To participate, your company should submitcombined Form 300Adata from all locations along with an award application, which can be downloaded from the homepage of the ASA website atwww.asa.net, or can be obtained by contactingBen Stephensat 630.467.0000, ext. 203 or atbstephens@asa.net.
