
Company  Phone Website
A.Y. McDonald Mfg. Co. (800) 292-2737 www.aymcdonald.com
AIM/R (866) 729-0975 www.aimr.net
AIV, L.P. (713) 462-4181 www.aivinc.com
All America Threaded Products, Inc. (800) 354-3330 www.aatprod.com
American Valve (800) 645-0101 www.americanvalve.com
Anderson Metals (800) 292-2737 www.aymcdonald.com
B&K Products (800) 782-2385 www.bkproducts.com
Bonomi North America (704) 412-9031 www.bonominorthamerica.com
CB Supplies www.cbsupplies.ca
Central Distribution Sales (800) 828-0057 www.centraldistributionsales.com
Distribution Point, The (866) 837-2550 www.thedistributionpoint.com
Dreamline (855) 244-6941 www.dreamline.com
EasyFlex (888) 577-8999 www.easyflexusa.com
Fluidmaster (949) 728-2000 www.fluidmaster.com
JFW Industries (800) 322-4333 www.jfwvalve.com
JMF Co. (800) 397-3739 www.jmfcompany.com
John Guest USA (973) 808-5600 www.johnguest.com
Jomar (586) 268-1220 www.jomar.com
Keeney Mfg. Co. (800) 243-0526 www.kenneymfg.com
Lee Brass (800) 876-1811 www.leebrass.com
Legend Valve (800) 752-2082 www.legendvalve.com
Liberty Pumps, Inc. (800) 543-2550 www.libertypumps.com
Maintenance Metals & Supply (800) 435-9952 mainmetalssupply.com
Merit Brass (800) 726-9800 www.meritbrass.com
Multalloy (800) 568-9551 www.multalloy.com
Nibco (800) 234-0227 www.nibco.com
Oakville Stamping & Bending (877) 314-6040 www.osbplumbing.com
Powell Valves (513) 852-2000 www.powellvalves.com
Rifeng Enterprises 86-757-82225386 www.rifeng.com
Smith-Cooper International (800) 766-0076 www.smithcooper.com
Stiebel Eltron (800) 582-8423 www.stiebel-eltron-usa.com
Stock Market, The (800) 467-8625 www.the-stockmarket.com
VPC Global (661) 257-3923 www.vpcglobal.com
Weldbend Corp. (708) 594-1700 www.weldbend.com
Worthington Industries (866) 928-2657 www.watcomfg.com
Zoro Tools (855) BUY-ZORO www.zorotools.com


(630) 572-3192


(800) 947-7000